Audit & Management Services  
  Our statutory audit technique approach ensures to the technical practices and documentation requirements of Indian authorities, and concentrates on key control and risk areas enabling us to provide an efficient, focused on value added and cost effective services to our clients. Our work approach is based on effective integration and communication with management, enabling us to provide constructive and insightful feedback on the pro-active basis.  
  Professionals at our firm have an expert and thorough knowledge of tax issues. The partners have an expert knowledge of direct and indirect taxation. Our partners and associates are well versed with corporate taxation, uniquely positioned to offer wide range of taxation services.  
  Internal Audit and Internal Controls  
  Our firm also assists to our clients with the internal audit function, providing comprehensive internal audit checking, development and implementation of MIS and provides tools for effective cost reduction and cost control measures. Our internal audit procedures go beyond routine transactions checking and focus on the effectiveness of the internal control environment and risk management.  
  Finance Planning & others  
  Project Report, system analysis, design & implementation of system which includes development and implementation of MIS, project financing and finance planning, incorporation of company, statutory compliance assignments and company law matters.  
  Back Office support  
  Pay roll accounting, provident fund and ESI, fixed asset management, preparation of fixed assets register as per requirements of schedule VI and physical verification of fixed assets located at different locations, income-tax computation of employees and preparation of tds certificates and returns, designing and implementation of budgetary control system and its analysis, designing and implementation of cost reduction plan.  
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